Credit Review

Credit Review Helpful Hints

Written By: Frankie Lacy

Most loan processors and underwriters are familiar with the general rules of credit report review. We double check for mortgage lates and we compare our liabilities to the information disclosed on the 1003. However, there are more details to consider within the credit report.

Opinion-Editorial (Op-Ed) Disclaimer For NAMP® Library Articles: The views and opinions expressed in the NAMP® Library articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect any official NAMP® policy or position. Examples of analysis performed within this article are only examples. They should not be utilized in real-world application as they are based only on very limited and dated open source information. Assumptions made within the analysis are not reflective of the position of NAMP®. Nothing contained in this article should be considered legal advice.

Demystifying Credit Scoring

Written By: Glenn Michaels

What is a credit score? A credit score is a complex mathematical number generated that represents your estimated measure of credit risk. Typically the higher the score the less risk for the person requesting credit.

Opinion-Editorial (Op-Ed) Disclaimer For NAMP® Library Articles: The views and opinions expressed in the NAMP® Library articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect any official NAMP® policy or position. Examples of analysis performed within this article are only examples. They should not be utilized in real-world application as they are based only on very limited and dated open source information. Assumptions made within the analysis are not reflective of the position of NAMP®. Nothing contained in this article should be considered legal advice.