How to Handle Daily Processing Loan Files

Written By: Hina Habib

Mortgage industry after a long period of downfall started picking up again in the last few years, hence bringing stability for lot of people still loyal and attached to the Mortgage industry.

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One most integral procedure of this industry is processing of loan files. Especially after the introduction of HARP refinances, some of the lenders got so much busy that they had to hire more processing help and sometimes outsource their processing needs.

With this boom of course more responsibility comes to the shoulders of processor, Underwriters and closers. Processor is the one who has to take pressure from all sides while processing. In the process she has to keep balance between all the parties involved. Best way to do her job is to start with her pipeline management. Pipeline management allows you to prioritize your work and becomes relatively easy to work on files. Always start your day by working on the files which are clear to close. After you finished with those work on the conditions you have on the approved loans. Third part of your time should be given to working on new files. Now some processors feel comfortable with working on new files first and then on the conditions. Also another tip for not lacking behind is to answer your emails right away. Do not wait to answer until the end of the day, since more chances are that you will forget to answer back by end of the day. If any of the processor has pipeline of 50 files, this is very obvious that she will not be able to look at every file each day. Therefore it is very important to arrange the files with time you received in your pipeline. For example, if you have received one file on 10/12 and other on 10/15, you will work on the one you received first and then move to the next one.

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Very important, do not forget to give yourself break during the day, so you can re-cop back with same energy. Going out for lunch is always better as it makes you fresh physically and mentally.

About The Author

Hina Habib - As an NAMP® staff writer, Hina Habib has been working as a Loan Processor with mortgage industry for more than 15 years now. Hina is a loan processing instructor for Loan Processor University ( She has ample experience of structuring and processing FHA, VA and Conventional loans. She worked with an established Correspondent Lender/ Mortgage Broker for 13 years. After her promotion as a Senior Loan Processor she trained loan officers and other processors. Currently she is working with a strong and established banking institute as a Mortgage Processor II. She is very well informed with the current on going changes in the mortgage history and can help answer your questions more accurately. If you're interested in becoming a writer for NAMP®, please email us at:


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